
Bastion | Operations

Britten is situated on the farm Kareepan 298 which is situated halfway between Bloemhof en Christiana in the North West Province. An excellent quality dolomitic and calcitic agricultural lime is produced. The source is very strategically situated for the grain producing areas of NW Free State and the south-western areas of the North West Province.

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Products Available at Britten

  • Calcite
  • Dolomite
  • Grasstop 20 D (blend of 80% dolomite and 20% gypsum by volume)
  • Grasstop 10 D (blend of 90% dolomite and 10% gypsum by volume)
  • Nutcal/Dol (blend of 50% dolomite/calcite and 50% gypsum by volume)
  • Grasstop 20 K (blend of 80% calcite and 20% gypsum by volume)
  • Custom blends (any custom blend can be made to order)
  • Gypsum (crushed and screened)